How to Travel from Chitwan to Kathmandu (Bus, Flights)

Wondering how to travel from Chitwan to Kathmandu?

Don’t worry I’ve got you covered. Whether you want to travel by bus or plane, I have all the information you need.

Kathmandu is 150 km from Chitwan and you can either travel by bus or plane. There is a frequent, daily schedule of both buses and flights so it is easy to book either option.

The tourist buses leave every morning from the Bus Station in Sauraha at 7:30-8:30 am and take 8 hours to get to Kathmandu.

As for the flights, the closest airport to Chitwan is at Bharatpur. You can take a local bus from Sauraha to Bharatpur to catch the flight. The flight takes 25 minutes and costs USD 120 for foreigners.

If you are looking for activities to do once in Kathmandu, check out the best things to do in Kathmandu.

How to Travel from Chitwan to Kathmandu by Bus

Browsing Bus Tickets Online in Nepal

If you want to browse bus tickets, check out It is not possible to buy tickets here with an international bank card but you can still check the bus schedule and prices to get an idea.

If you stay long-term in Nepal, find here how to set up eSewa and book a bus ticket online in Nepal. eSewa is a Nepali app used to book tickets, and pay for hotel and restaurant bills.

How to Buy the Tourist Bus Tickets Going to Kathmandu

Travel agency: You can buy the tickets at travel agencies in Sauraha. Whenever you book tourist bus tickets through a travel agency, the ticket prices will be slightly higher as they also add on a commission fee.

At hostel/hotel: Most of the hostels and hotels in Sauraha will also be able to arrange a bus ticket for you. Usually, you can ask about bus tickets at the reception and they will be able to book it for you.

Online through the eSewa app: eSewa (Apple StoreGoogle Play) is a mobile app that can be used for buying bus tickets online. The app has become very popular in Nepal in the past few years and it can be used also for digital payments or mobile top up. Buying the bus ticket on eSewa is the cheapest as it does not include any commission.

Chitwan to Kathmandu Bus Ticket Price

The bus ticket from Sauraha /Chitwan National Park costs between Rs. 850 – 1,200.

Where to Get on the Bus in Sauraha

The buses leave from the Tourist Bus Station in Sauraha (see map below). The Tourist Bus Station is located about 10-15 minutes’ walk central Sauraha.

Tourist Bus Station, Sauraha

Chitwan to Kathmandu Bus Schedule

The buses leave at 7:30-8:30 am from Sauraha (Chitwan) to Kathmandu. It is recommended to arrive at the bus stop 30 minutes before the departure time to make sure you locate the bus, although to be honest, the Sauraha Bus Station is not so big.

Chitwan to Kathmandu Distance

Kathmandu is 150 km from Chitwan and it takes about 8 hours to reach by bus. It also stops along the way for breakfast/lunch and toilet breaks.

Once the bus arrives in Kathmandu, it usually drops people in Kalanki, Swoyambhu and Balaju (Bhat Bhateni Store). There are lots of taxis at all of these bus stops, so you will easily find a taxi to take you to your accommodation.

What the Tourist Bus is Like in Nepal

Most of the tourist buses have an AC or fans but you only really need it during the hotter months (late spring, monsoon). In addition, they also give a free 1L bottled water to passengers.

How to Travel from Chitwan to Kathmandu by Plane

The closest airport to Chitwan is at the Bharatpur Airport. Bharatpur is about 1 hour bus ride away from Sauraha (Chitwan).

Chitwan to Kathmandu Flight Time

There are daily, regular flights between Bharatpur and Kathmandu. The flight takes only 25 minutes and costs USD 120 for foreigners.

How to Buy Plane Tickets in Nepal

Buddha Air is one of Nepal’s more trusted airlines. Check out Buddha Air’s website for prices and booking tickets.

FAQ: How to Travel from Chitwan to Kathmandu

How do I reach Kathmandu from Chitwan National Park?

To get from Chitwan National Park to Kathmandu, you can either go by bus or plane. Both the buses and flights have a frequent, daily schedule.

The buses leave from Sauraha, which is the main tourist hub next to Chitwan National Park.

The closest airport to Chitwan is at the Bharatpur Airport. It takes about 1 hour by local bus to get from Sauraha to Bharatpur. Once on the flight, it is only 25 minutes from Bharatpur to Kathmandu.

How far is it from Chitwan to Kathmandu?

Chitwan is 150 km from Kathmandu. It takes 8 hours by bus to Sauraha. The flight takes 25 minutes to Bharatpur, where you can catch a local bus to Sauraha (1 hour bus journey).

How much does it cost to go from Kathmandu to Chitwan?

The bus ticket costs between Rs. 850-1,200, while the flight ticket from Kathmandu to Bharatpur is USD 120 for foreigners.

How much does it cost to fly from Chitwan to Kathmandu?

The price of the flight ticket from Chitwan to Kathmandu costs USD 120 for foreigners.

How far is Kathmandu from Bharatpur by flight?

The flight takes only 25 minutes from Bharatpur to Kathmandu. Once you are in Bharatpur, you can take a local bus to Sauraha. The local bus takes about 1 hour to get from Bharatpur to Sauraha.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, travelling from Chitwan to Kathmandu is fairly easy. You have the option to either travel by bus or plane. Both the buses and planes have a daily, regular schedule.

The bus takes 8 hours and costs Rs. 850-1,200 from Sauraha (Chitwan) to Kathmandu.

While to catch the flight, first you will have to take a local bus from Sauraha to Bharatpur. The local bus takes 1 hour to get there. Once on the plane, the flight takes only 25 minutes from Bharatpur to Kathmandu. The flight ticket costs USD 120 for foreigners.

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