7 Best Newari Food in Nepal (+5 Newari Restaurants Try Them!)

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Looking for the best Newari food in Nepal and Newari restaurants try them?

You are in the right place! I live in Nepal and Newari food is one of my favourites.

Newari people are the original inhabitants of the Kathmandu Valley and they have their own unique dishes. The Newari dishes are typically very spicy and include a lot of meat.

Buffalo meat is the most popular choice for Newari dishes but you can also find it made out of chicken or pork. The best places to try Newari food in Nepal are in Bhakpatur, Patan, Kathmandu or Kirtipur. 

Best Newari Food in Nepal

1. Samay Baji

Samay baji is one of the most popular Newari food in Nepal.
Samay Baji

Best restaurants to have Samay Baji:

Samay baji is like a Newari lunch set, similar to that of the Nepali thali (dal bhat).

It includes beaten rice, choila (if you pick the version with meat), bara (Newari lentil pancake), eggs and vegetables.

The whole set is very spicy, especially for foreigners if you are not be used to such spicy food. If you are not used to spicy food, it is better to be careful and just eat a small portion.

2. Choila

The Newari food choila made with buffalo meat.
Buff Choila
The Newari food choila made with duck meat.
Duck Choila

Best restaurants to have Choila:

Choila is typically made out of buff meat, although it is also possible to get it with chicken, pork or even duck. The meat is smoked until it becomes very soft.

Usually, it is very spicy as it is marinated in dried red chillies, mustard oil and other spices. If it is your first time in Nepal and not used to spicy food, be careful and only eat a small portion.

⭐ Want to explore Newari food with an expert? Book a Newari Food Tour in Kathmandu here!

3. Bara (or wo: in Newari)

Bara is a traditional Newari food item, made out of lentils.

Best restaurant to have Bara:

Bara is like a lentil pancake. It is made out of lentils and you can get it in various versions: plain, with eggs or minced meat on top. You can also get a mixed bara that includes both minced meat and eggs.

Bara is more like a snack or side dish, so one piece of bara is not enough to get you full. If you are hungry, it is best to order various other side dishes to make it a full lunch.

4. Chatamari (the “Newari pizza”)

Chatamari is a traditional Newari food that is similar to that of pizza.

Chatamari is also called the “Newari pizza” as it looks almost like a pizza.

The base is made out of rice flour and the toppings include veggetables, eggs and minced meat.

Chatamari is also more like a snack. It is smaller in size than a usual pizza and chatamari alone will not get you full. If you are hungry, it is good to order something else to go with it.

5. Yomari

Yomari is a Newari dessert traditional made with rice flour and molasses.
Yomari is a Newari dessert traditional made with rice flour and molasses.

Best Restaurant to have Yomari:

Yomari is a dessert made out of rice flour. Inside it has a filling with either molasses (chaku) or with milk (khuwa).

Traditionally, yomari used to be filled with molasses, however, in recent years the new version of yomari with milk (khuwa) has also become popular. 

During the Yomari Punhi festival, people eat a lot of yomari as it is supposed to keep you warm during the winter time.

6. Juju Dhau (King Curd)

Juju Dhau, also called as King Curd, is a sweet Newari dessert made out of yogurt, famously prepared in Bhaktapur.
Juju Dhau (King Curd)
Juju Dhau, also called as King Curd, is a sweet Newari dessert made out of yogurt, famously prepared in Bhaktapur.
Juju Dhau (King Curd)

Best place to try Juju Dhau:

  • Bhaktapur: There are many small shops and cafes in Bhaktapur selling Juju Dhau. You will see the sign for Juju Dhau outside shops.

The Juju Dhau (King Curd) is a sweet, Newari dessert made out of yogurt, famously prepared in Bhaktapur. The best place to try the curd is in Bhaktapur but you will also be able to get it in Patan or a few places in Kathmandu. 

In Bhaktapur, you will find it sold in a small clay pot which is also traditionally made in Bhaktapur.

7. Chukauni

Chukauni is a Newari side dish best described as a potato yogurt salad.
Samay baji made with duck meat.
Duck Samay Baji with Chukauni

Best place to have Chukauni:

Chukauni is best described as a potato yogurt salad. They also add turmeric and mustard seeds, thus, the yellowish colour of the dish.

It is a typical Newari dish originating from the Palpa district of Nepal. They serve it as part of the newari thali set (samay baji) or also as a snack with batuk. (Batuk is like a donut made out of lentils – a snack also mostly found in Palpa).

Best Newari Restaurants

1. Best Newari Restaurant in Kathmandu

Harati Newari Restaurant

The Harati Newari Restaurant is a great Newari restaurant, located near Thamel. If you are looking for a newari restaurant in central Kathmandu, this is the place for you.

They have a wide-range of menu including bara, chatamari, choila, samay baji and more!

2. Best Newari Restaurants in Bhaktapur

Newa Lahana

Newa Lahana is one of the best and most famous Newari restaurants in Nepal and they have branches in Bhaktapur and Kirtipur.

They serve a wide-range of Newari dishes, including samay baji, choila, bara, yomari and many more!

Newa Lahana restaurant in Bhaktapur, Nepal.
Newa Lahana, Bhaktapur

Amako Bara Pasal:

The Amako Bara Pasal is a tiny restaurant, mostly serving snacks. It is located near the Bhaktapur Durbar Square inside a small temple that was turned into a restaurant.

They are famous for their Bara and it is one of the best places to try Bara in Nepal.

Amako Bara Pasal in Bhaktapur, Nepal.
Amako Bara Pasal, Bhaktapur

3. Best Newari Restaurant in Patan

Nandini Newari Food Court:

The Nandini Newari Food Court is located near the Patan Durbar Square, it is a great place to try Newari food.

The best Newari dishes to try here are yomari (sweet, dessert like dumpling), choila (marinated, spicy meat) and samay baji. You can also try homemade Nepali alcohol (β€˜Raksi’ in Nepali) here.

4. Best Newari Restaurant in Kirtipur

Newa Lahana:

The branch of Newa Lahana in Kirtipur is one of the most popular Newari Restaurants in Kathmandu Valley. It is so famous that most of the people come here from Kathmandu for Newari food.

The restaurant is set up in a traditional Newari setting with nice views. It is a nice place to come with friends and try as many different Newari dishes as you can.

FAQs: Newari Food in Nepal

What is the traditional food of Newari?

Newari people were the original inhabitants of the Kathmandu Valley and they have a unique set of dishes.

Newari cuisine is typically very spicy and made of meat. Although, many of the dishes include meat, you can also have it in vegetarian option.

Some of the most popular Newari dishes include the samay baji, choila, bara and yomari.

What is the Nepali Newari Khana?

‘Khana’ means ‘lunch’ in Nepali so the ‘Newari Khana’ refers to the Newari food which is served as the main lunch set. Typically it includes the samay baji, which comes with choila, bara and various side dishes.

The best place to try Newari food is at the Newa Lahana Restaurant in πŸ“Bhaktapur or πŸ“Kirtipur.

What is yomari (Newari food)?

Yomari is a Newari dessert made out of rice flour in the shape of a fish. The inside of the yomari is filled with either molasses or condensed milk.

It is a popular dessert all throughout the year, however, it is especially a popular snack during the Yomari Punhi Festival. Yomari Punhi festival usually falls in December and celebrates the beginning of the rice harvest season.

What is the history of Newari cuisine?

Newari people were the original inhabitants of the Kathmandu Valley and Newari Cuisine is one of the most popular dishes along with traditional Nepalese food.

Newari cuisine is usually very spicy and is traditionally made with buffalo meat, although nowadays it is also popular to prepare it with chicken or pork.


In conclusion, Newari cuisine is unique to Nepal. It typically includes a lot of meat dishes but you can also get vegetarian options.

The dishes are usually prepared with a lot of spices, so be careful to eat small portions if you are not yet used to such spicy food.

Some of the most popular dishes include the samay baji, bara, choila and yomari.

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