Do They Speak English in Nepal?

Nepali consonants

Are you planning a trip to Nepal and wondering “Do they speak English in Nepal?”

Don’t worry, I live in Nepal and I can tell you that it is very easy to get by speaking English in big cities and the touristy places in Nepal.

Do they also speak English in remote villages in Nepal? The short answer is that not really. In non-touristy, remote villages in Nepal, most people do not speak English.

Here is all the information you need on how to prepare and get by speaking English in Nepal.

Do They Speak English in Nepal?

The first time I came to Nepal, I was wondering “do they speak English in Nepal?” In the end, I was surprised by how easy it was to get by speaking English.

Especially in places that are frequently visited by tourists (Kathmandu, Pokhara, Chitwan, Tansen, Janakpur) and popular trekking routes (Everest region, Annapurna region), Nepali people have good English or have enough knowledge of English for you to get by.

You might find that people can speak English but with not the perfect grammar. Still, I can say that it is good enough to get by.

Just remember, sometimes it is best to be patient, speak slowly, and talk using simple words and body language.

Solukhumbu District in Nepal.
Solukhumbu District, Nepal

Do They Speak English in Kathmandu?

Yes, they speak English in Kathmandu and it is easy to get by speaking English.

Some areas in Kathmandu that have a higher percentage of foreigners (Thamel, Lazimpat, Baluwatar, Patan) are the easiest to get by speaking English.

In some more local areas, you might meet people who cannot speak English, but generally in Kathmandu people can still speak some level of English.

Do They Speak English in Nepal in Remote Villages?

No, to be honest, usually, people do not speak English in remote villages. (The exception is on the main trekking routes such as in the Annapurna or Everest region).

Generally, the average tourist in Nepal is not likely to be travelling to a remote place that is not touristy. So, I would say, you do not have to worry about speaking English if you just visit the main touristy places.

When I refer to remote villages, think of villages that are not visited by foreigners. There you will likely not be able to find people who can speak English.

I would say, foreigners who go to work or volunteer in remote villages in Nepal are the ones who might be staying in a place where locals will have no or very limited English. If that’s you, you will likely benefit from learning some basic phrases in Nepal before setting off to the countryside.

But don’t worry, Nepali people are very kind and friendly and you will be able to understand each other using simple words and body language.

Village in Koshi Province, Nepal.
Village (Koshi Province, Nepal)

Do they Speak English in Nepal on Trekking Routes?

Yes, Nepali people do speak English in villages on the trekking routes. Especially, if you are trekking in some of the most popular trekking routes such as in the Annapurna or Everest region, you will be able to get by speaking English in the teahouses.

If You Are Trekking Solo (without a Nepali trekking guide)

You might wonder if you can get by speaking English if you are trekking solo without a Nepali trekking guide. I can say that yes, you can get by speaking English as I have done treks without a trekking guide.

In some of the less popular trekking routes, you might stay at teahouses where the owners have limited knowledge of English. Each teahouse is run by a family and I found that in every teahouse there is always at least 1 member of the family who can speak English.

If you find yourself in a teahouse where they do not speak any English, there are a few Nepali phrases that you can learn if you want.

Overall, you don’t have to stress about learning Nepali because in general, you will find that when you are at the teahouse, you are likely just be asking a few things:

  • Room chha? = Is there a room available?
  • Taato paanii chha? = Do you have hot water? (for shower or drinking water)
  • When ordering the meals: just take the menu with you and point at the dish when you order. You also have to say what time you’d like to have your meal (if speaking English is not possible, just write down the time).

For more useful phrases for trekking or general, check out this list of useful Nepali phrases.

Do I Need to Be Able to Speak Nepali for Travelling in Nepal?

No, you do not need to be able to speak Nepali for travelling in Nepal. Most of the people in big cities and popular trekking routes can speak some level of English and it is very easy to get by.

When I first came to Nepal in 2015, I was actually surprised by how easy it is to get by speaking English. In fact, I have been learning Nepali but it is very rare that I have to use it in everyday life as the majority of people can speak some level of English.

You will find that most people in big cities, touristic places and popular trekking routes can speak English. Even if people’s English is not perfect, it is definitely good enough for you to get by.

In case you travel to a remote village in Nepal, that’s when you might find yourself in a place where people do not speak English. In this case, it is good if you learn some Nepali phrases so it can help you get by.

Swoyambhu Stupa in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Swoyambhu Stupa, Kathmandu

How Many Languages Are Spoken in Nepal?

Nepal is a very diverse country. There are 126 ethnic groups and 123 languages are spoken as mother tongue in Nepal.

The official language in Nepal is the Nepali language. According to the 2011 census in Nepal, 78% of the population speaks Nepali as their first or second language.

Nepali language is derived from Sanskrit (the alphabet and language is similar to that of Hindi in India), so for people from Nepal and India are very easy to understand each other.

Apart from Nepali, some other major languages in Nepal include: Maithili, Bhojpuri, Tharu, Newari and Tamang. If you want to dig deeper on the languages spoken in Nepal, check out this interactive map of the languages spoken in Nepal.

The interesting thing is that some of the ethnic languages are so different from Nepali that for example, if someone from Kathmandu who grows up speaking Nepali will not be able to understand some of the ethnic languages in other parts of Nepal.

Basic Nepali Phrases to Know for a Nepal Trip

If you are coming to Nepal to visit the most popular touristy places, you will easily get by speaking English. However, sometimes, being able to speak some local language can go a long way.

Nepali people are very surprised and gracious when you can speak some Nepali. Even if you just say a few words, they are always so happy to hear a foreigner speak English.

Here is a list of the 10 most useful phrases to know while travelling in Nepal. For more phrases, check out this list of useful Nepali phrases.

(formal/respectful version: Namaskar)
Thank youDhanyabaad
How are you?Tapaaiilaaii kasto chha?
I am fine.Thik chha.
My name is ______.Mero naam ______ ho.
DidiiUsed to address a lady older than you (also means older sister). You can use this in shops, restaurants, hotels to address female staff members.
DaaiUsed to address a guy older than you (also means older brother). You can use this in shops, restaurants, hotels to address male staff members.

FAQ: Do They Speak English in Nepal?

Can people in Nepal speak English?

Yes, in big cities, touristic places and popular trekking routes, people can speak English in Nepal.

If you are travelling to Nepal and you only visit the touristic places and stay in bigger cities, you will easily get by speaking English. Most people can speak English and if not fluently, they will have some level of English.

However, if you visit remote villages in Nepal, it might be different and you will most likely not be able to find people who can speak English. Fear not, Nepali people are very kind and helpful and you will be able to get by speaking simple words and using body language.

Is English spoken in Nepal?

Yes, English is widely spoken in Nepal, especially in big cities and touristic areas.

It is only in remote villages that people have no English and you might struggle to find people who can speak English. As long as you are travelling in the main tourist areas, you will have no problem at all speaking English.

What language is mostly spoken in Nepal?

Nepal is a very diverse country. There are 126 ethnic groups and 123 languages are spoken as mother tongue in Nepal.

The official language in Nepal is the Nepali language. According to the 2011 census in Nepal, 78% of the population speaks Nepali as their first or second language.

Apart from Nepali, some other major languages in Nepal include: Maithili, Bhojpuri, Tharu, Newari and Tamang.


If you are wondering if people speak English in Nepal, you don’t have to worry, it is very easy to get by speaking English in Nepal.

Most of the people speak good or some level of English in bigger cities, touristic places and popular trekking routes.

It is only in remote, non-touristy villages that it will be difficult to find people who can speak English. If you find yourself in such circumstances, it is good to remember to be patient and speak using simple words.

If you happen to pick up some Nepali words, Nepali people are always very happy if a foreigner can speak some words of Nepali. If you can learn some Nepali words, it will go a long way.

I can say from personal experience that I have been studying Nepali language and it was only in very remote, non-touristy places that I had to try to speak Nepali. In Kathmandu and other big cities, I can always get by speaking English.

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